Thursday, February 20, 2014

Failure Analysis A & B

I finished my cat failure analysis tests today numbers 1 and 2 they were long roughly 60 questions on each with over 160 pages of material to cover and take notes on. I learned a lot about metallurgy. From cast to powder metal forging to quenching in water oil or air all very interesting stuff i had no idea about before this. I also learned about extrusion which is the process of forcing a piece of metal into a desired shape.We learned about heat treating metals.The Rockwell measuring system That CAT uses which measures the hardness in steel by measuring the depth of a dent, and Brinell which measures the diameter of the dent ( CAT uses Brinell to measure cast iron).We learned about brittleness and ductility in metals. We learned about tensile strength,fatigue strength,and yield strength. We learned about load types, tensile, compression, bending, torsion, and shear. the 4 characteristic that identify fractures textures, reflectivnes , surface fractures and color. All in all i learned a ton of new stuff from these two tests

A  87%
B  97%


40 week 
120 month

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rigging and lifting

I learned how to rig and lift several different objects from engine blocks to concrete blocks. I used a rigging block and different pieces of rigging off the rigging tree. We used math to calculate the lbs of the objects before we lifted and actually weighed them .

40 week
80 month

Monday, February 10, 2014

hydraulic clamping force on a grade 5 bolt lubed and dry

I used a grade 5 bolt with a hrdraulic adapter to measure the clamping force of this bolt dry and lubed.

40 week
40 month

Monday, February 3, 2014

McMaster car fastner id checklists

 I used McMaster Car  .Com

to get these fastener boxes identified. I will definitely be using this site for future parts number id and ordering.

40 week
152 month