1. What is an ISO Cleanliness code?
-ISO (International Standards Organization) is the protocol for expressing the level of contamination . The ISO code numbers correspond respectively to the number of particles grater than 4,6 and 14 microns
2. What ISO cleanliness code does Cummins Inc recommend for their engines?
-They recommend ISO code 4406
3. What are the specifications for the tank vent filter recommended by Cummins Inc?
-98.7% efficiency at 10 microns
4. Briefly outline what Cummins Inc has to say about fuel additives. Be specific
.-It Neither approves or dissaproves fuel additives any problems that occure while using additives is not covered by warranty.But they dont recommend fuel additives unless needed for specific applications.
5. Does Cummins Inc allow the use of bio-diesel?
-Yes it does as long as its B100 Bio-diesel and its not recommended in low use applications such as standby power, recreational marine or seasonal applications.
6. Outline some indicators of microbial contamination of a fuel storage tank.
-Filter Plugging and Corrosion
7. What is the amount of sulfur in low-sulfur diesel (LSD)?
- Up to 500ppm Sulfer Content
8. What is the amount of sulfur in ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD)?
- Up to 15ppm Sulfer Content
9. What diesel fuels are currently available at the pump?
10. What is the ASTM number for the Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils?
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